Black Box
Object Art
"Black Box" marks the unveiling of my initial black box installation on April 19, 2021, following a standardized product-version naming approach. This creative endeavor involves the deconstruction and artistic reinterpretation of a black box sourced from the original CD-ROM.
In the realm of black box theory, the term transcends its literal meaning of a black-colored box; it metaphorically symbolizes a system hidden from observation but controllable. My CD-ROM, veiled in black, becomes a metaphorical black box, primarily utilized for music storage. The decision to dismantle it opened up unforeseen artistic possibilities.
Inspired by Kandinsky's abstract art, my creative process initially embraced improvisation. Focused on the CD-ROM's musical aspect, I arranged its components into a visual representation with a harmonious melody. Drawing from Kandinsky's geometric abstractions, I used angular CD-ROM elements as visual counterparts to dots, lines, and basic shapes. Transforming the original object into a new functional "black box," the modified CD-ROM, though no longer able to play music, takes on new life as a flexible gadget emitting bell-like sounds during rotation. The CD base and the tiny focusing lens inside the laser head produce an array of colors under varying angles and intensities of illumination.
This artistic reflection extends beyond the installation, contemplating how people perceive artists as creators. Similar to the mysterious black box, the inner workings of an artist's creative process may appear exclusive and impenetrable. In reconstructing the CD-ROM, I embrace the role of an artist as a "black box," reviving this once-mundane object into an artistic expression.